Are Stretches and Exercises Really Necessary after Tongue Tie Release?

January 3, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 4:34 pm
Baby sticking their tongue out

The surgery commonly used to treat tongue tie and lip tie, known as a frenectomy, is straightforward and quick, typically taking just a few minutes. However, this is not the end of the process. Your child’s care provider may recommend performing exercises and stretches with your baby during their recovery period. Why are those steps necessary? This blog post explains.


How Tongue-Tie Can Keep You From Singing Your Heart Out

December 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 5:40 pm
a woman smiling and singing with a microphone

Is it tough for you to hit the high notes during karaoke or for auditions? This could be due to a tongue-tie! When this is the case, a small band of tissue restricts the movement of your tongue. If left untreated, it can lead to many other issues interfering with talking and singing. Keep reading to learn how tongue-tie impacts your voice and how a dentist can help you.


Infant Lip-Ties: 4 Potential Problems That Can Develop

November 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 5:26 pm
a mother holding a crying infant

With the arrival of a new baby, there are many challenges parents can face when it comes to feeding, sleeping, and daily care. Whether it’s your first child or fifth, a lip-tie can present many problems if left untreated or undiscovered. If you think your little one may be struggling with limited oral movement, here are 4 potential problems that can stem from this restricted band of tissue and what you can do to get them the help they need.


The Best Time for an Infant Frenectomy: What Parents Should Know

October 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 3:42 pm
baby with lip or tongue tie

A frenectomy is a common procedure for infants with lip or tongue tie, conditions that can interfere with breastfeeding, swallowing, and later speech development. The procedure involves releasing the frenulum, a small fold of tissue that restricts the tongue or lip’s movement. If you’re considering a frenectomy for your baby, you may wonder when the best time is to do it, what the procedure entails, and how to care for your baby afterward. Read on for a helpful guide that answers these questions.


When Is Tongue Tie Surgery Necessary for Kids?

September 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 6:10 pm
Baby smiling with open mouth

Tongue tie is a condition that occurs when the tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too short or thick, thereby restricting the tongue’s movements. It is a fairly common birth deformity that afflicts countless children every year. Fortunately, it is easily correctable via a minimally invasive surgery known as a frenectomy. Still, you might hesitate to consent to any type of surgery for your precious little one. You may rightly want to know if the procedure is truly necessary! This blog post explains how you can determine whether or not your child needs tongue tie surgery.


3 Questions to Ask When Tongue-Tie Laser Surgery is Recommended

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 2:46 pm
young child with a tongue-tie

Hearing the word “laser” as it pertains to your child’s mouth can be a bit nerve-racking. Their doctor is suggesting a laser frenectomy to release their tongue-tie – an issue that is making it difficult for them to eat, breathe, and even speak. But how safe is this type of technology? What kind of recovery is involved? Will your child feel any pain during their procedure? If you feel as if you don’t know enough about this type of procedure, make sure to ask these three questions when visiting the doctor.


Is a Laser Frenectomy Painful?

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 5:12 pm
Happy, smiling baby sitting on bed

Lip and tongue ties are some of the most common birth deformities. If your child has one or both of these conditions, they might need to undergo a procedure known as a frenectomy. Understandably, that might make you a bit nervous! The last thing you want is for your precious infant to undergo painful surgery. But are laser frenectomies really painful? This blog post explains why the treatment process is easy and comfortable for most patients.


Understanding Tongue-Tie: Classifications and Types

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 6:27 pm
closeup of woman with tongue tie

Tongue-tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a condition where the tongue’s movement is restricted due to a short, tight, or thin lingual frenulum, the piece of connective tissue found between the tongue and the floor of your mouth. It can significantly affect speech and eating in children, leading to various challenges in their daily lives. To effectively diagnose and treat tongue-tie, healthcare professionals use several classification systems to evaluate its severity and type. Read on to learn more!


Tongue-Tie & The Repercussions of Non-Treatment

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 2:17 pm
a child showing signs of a tongue tie

Tongue ties are a growing condition among infants that can end up affecting the mobility of their tongues. Although there’s information out there claiming that this won’t be a major oral health issue in the long run, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If your little one has a tongue-tie, you’ll want to consider addressing it before more complications arise. Read on to learn some of the ways this condition can impact their oral health if they don’t receive the proper treatment.


Can a Tongue-Tie Be Linked to Postpartum Depression?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 3:07 am
woman with postpartum depression

Being a mother can be exhausting. Each stage presents new challenges; however, while many women can’t get enough of the infancy phase, others struggle with severe postpartum depression (PPD). If you are one of these individuals, you’re not alone. Yet, there may be a reason you might not have considered that is making this time more difficult – your child’s lip- or tongue-tie. Keep reading to find out from an expert who explains how your little one’s inability to move their lip or tongue might be the reason you’re feeling the way you are.

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