Lip and tongue ties are some of the most common birth deformities. If your child has one or both of these conditions, they might need to undergo a procedure known as a frenectomy. Understandably, that might make you a bit nervous! The last thing you want is for your precious infant to undergo painful surgery. But are laser frenectomies really painful? This blog post explains why the treatment process is easy and comfortable for most patients.
What Happens During a Frenectomy?
A lip tie occurs when the tissue between the lip and gums, called a frenum, is so thick or short that it restricts proper oral function. A tongue tie occurs when the frenum between the tongue and floor of the mouth is restrictive.
During a frenectomy, a dentist carefully cuts the frenum in order to free up movement of the oral tissue and allow for proper function.
In the past, frenectomies were always performed with a traditional scalpel. As you can imagine, this could be quite uncomfortable for patients. The good news is that more and more dentists are now using lasers to provide frenectomies.
How Is a Laser Frenectomy Different?
Soft tissue lasers have some major advantages over traditional scalpels. For example, lasers are extremely precise. They also instantly cauterize the tissue that they cut, meaning that there is very little bleeding.
Best of all, the procedure is remarkably comfortable! In fact, some patients do not even need local anesthesia. Your baby should be able to breastfeed immediately after their frenectomy.
What Is the Recovery Like?
Of course, it would be unfair to claim that a laser frenectomy is completely pain-free. Although it is much more comfortable than procedures performed with a regular scalpel, there may still be some soreness after your baby’s appointment. They may be a bit extra fussy for a few days, so you should set aside some time to give them plenty of cuddles and comfort.
Most patients are completely recovered within 2 – 3 weeks. In the meantime, you will need to follow some post-treatment instructions. For example, you may need to gently run your finger under your baby’s tongue to prevent their frenum from reattaching.
Laser frenectomies are remarkably easy! Talk to your child’s dentist to learn more about this fast and comfortable procedure.
Meet the Practice
Here at Chicago Tongue-Tie Center, Drs. Justin Welke and Bindi Vibhakar are proud to provide precise and comfortable lip and tongue tie treatment. Our team uses the remarkable LightScalpel laser, which is one of the best soft tissue lasers on the market. Very often, babies who come to us for a frenectomy do not even shed a tear during their appointment! To learn more about us and the technology we use, contact our office at 312-248-2455.