How Tongue-Tie Can Keep You From Singing Your Heart Out

December 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — chicagotonguetie @ 5:40 pm
a woman smiling and singing with a microphone

Is it tough for you to hit the high notes during karaoke or for auditions? This could be due to a tongue-tie! When this is the case, a small band of tissue restricts the movement of your tongue. If left untreated, it can lead to many other issues interfering with talking and singing. Keep reading to learn how tongue-tie impacts your voice and how a dentist can help you.

How Does Tongue-Tie Affect Speech?

In many cases, people tend to think speech complications revolve mostly around how they sound when they talk, or the articulation of their words, such as a lisp or stuttering. That said, those with a tongue-tie don’t always experience these problems, but they can have their speech affected in different ways, including:

  • Speech delay: Due to the tongue’s inability to move easily, formulating specific phrases or words can take a bit longer, leading to delayed speech.
  • Increased effort to speak: A tongue-tie can cause exhaustion or fatigue in the jaw joints after you’ve worked all day to move your tongue correctly just to talk normally.
  • Fluency difficulty: Since the tongue won’t move freely, your rate of speech can end up being slower than usual, causing you to be less fluent.

How Does Tongue-Tie Impact Singing?

There’s a high degree of vocal effort and control needed when singing. With a tongue-tie, some of the things that can be affected involve:

  • Vocal range: Hitting certain notes or pitches can be tougher to do with a tongue-tie.
  • Vocal quality: You might not be capable of singing as loud or as clearly as you want.
  • Vocal fatigue: Singing for extended periods may be unlikely.

These issues can come about due to the restrictions of the tongue, which can lead to the muscles in the throat overexerting themselves. The vocal cords will feel like they have to work harder because of the tongue-tie. The more effort you end up putting in hitting certain notes, the more exhausted you might feel, and the less enjoyable your experience.

How Can Your Tongue-Tie Dentist Help?

By visiting a tongue-tie dentist, they can evaluate your mouth and decide the best way to fix your complication. They can perform a laser frenectomy, which helps remove the tissue keeping your tongue from full movement. Due to the technology used and the comprehensive process, you can expect to undergo an efficient treatment that allows you to speak and sing more easily than before. Don’t hesitate to consult your dentist about the procedure, and they’ll be glad to discuss the benefits of the tongue-tie treatment!

About the Practice

At Chicago Tongue-Tie Center, our team specializes in frenectomies to help patients of all ages release their lip or tongue-ties. Our board-certified pediatric dentists utilize advanced laser technology for greater comfort and efficiency, that way you can expect a much smoother recovery toward being able to sing your heart out. If you wish to schedule a consultation or want to learn more about this treatment, visit our website or give us a call today at 312-248-2455.