Tongue ties are a growing condition among infants that can end up affecting the mobility of their tongues. Although there’s information out there claiming that this won’t be a major oral health issue in the long run, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If your little one has a tongue-tie, you’ll want to consider addressing it before more complications arise. Read on to learn some of the ways this condition can impact their oral health if they don’t receive the proper treatment.
Complications with Breastfeeding
Often mothers who have infants with tongue ties might notice certain indications such as nipple pain or even slow weight gain in their babies. Due to restricted mobility in their mouth, feeding might be extremely difficult, especially if the child is experiencing issues like choking, coughing, hiccups, colic, or reflux. Even if you switch to feeding with a bottle, your infant can still struggle with these complications. Many of them may even spit up significant portions of their feeds, which can lead to issues like moodiness and malnutrition.
Speech Issues
On top of feeding issues, children with tongue-ties can often develop problems in their speech. This is because we typically place our tongue against certain parts of our mouths to pronounce certain sounds or words. Without treating or removing the tongue-tie, you might expect your little one to have issues with a speech impediment along with difficulties eating and swallowing, which can be costly to address later on.
Trouble with Sleeping
Having restricted tongue movement can also increase the risk of sleep deprivation or even apnea episodes. The tongue can end up falling back and blocking the airway during sleep, and even if the brain wakes your child up enough to prevent serious issues, frequent interrupted rest can lead to many complications down the road. Not only will your little one experience increased fatigue, but they can also struggle with issues in brain development, learning problems, hyperactivity, and even their immune system functions.
Tongue-tie can lead to a wide range of complications for your child as they grow up, many of which can have a high price to treat effectively. To prevent many of the above issues, it’s best to get them treated as early as possible so they can enjoy a more comfortable smile.
About the Practice
At Chicago Tongue-Tie Center, our team specializes in performing frenectomies so that patients can gain a more comfortable and healthier smile. We offer modern amenities and utilize advanced laser technology to swiftly and efficiently provide the care your child may require in the safest way possible. If you wish to know more about tongue-tie treatment or want to schedule a consultation, visit our website or call our team at 312-248-2455.