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Chicago Tongue-Tie Center

A Life-Changing Experience
from Start to Finish

We’re able to put a worrying mother’s mind at ease and quickly improve the health of their child using the most comfortable, reliable, and proven methods available today, all while delivering excellent customer service.

3 Convenient Locations

Mother and baby visiting a pediatrician

If you are a lactation consultant or pediatrician, We want to partner with you to provide the best possible solution for your lip & tongue-tie patients. Click the link below to learn how.

Partner With Us
The Problem

What is a
Lip& Tongue-Tie?

Laughing mother and baby
Mother holding a baby

There are three small bands of tissue in the mouth called frenulums or frenunms—one is beneath the tongue, and the other two attach the lips to the upper and lower gums. When these tissues are too short or thick, they can prohibit normal oral function and lead to problems feeding, speaking, and sleeping.

What Are the

Anyone can be affected by a lip or tongue-tie, so it’s important for parents and adults to keep an eye out for these telltale signs:


  • Issues with Nursing or Taking a Bottle
  • Continual Gas or Fussiness
  • Slow or Inhibited Weight Gain
  • Colic-Like Symptoms


  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Speech Delay or Hard to Understand
  • Strong Gag Reflex
  • Sleep with Open Mouth


  • Noticeable Speech Issues
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Teeth Grinding Or Snoring
Learn More About Lip & Tongue-Tie Signs

Board Certified Pediatric Dentists

Lip & Tongue-Tie Specialists

Our team of experts has years of experience treating children and have undergone special training to help them quickly find, identify, and treat lip and tongue-ties. They will also go out of there way to educate and reassure you and your child so that the entire experience from beginning to end is as relaxed as possible. They rely on only the latest methods and best technology to deliver fantastic results that will last.

Get to Know Our Dentists
LightScalpel laser system
Cetified LightScalpel provider badge
The Solution

Revolutionary Laser Treatment

In the past, lip and tongue-ties were treated using scalpels, which as you can imagine, wasn’t very comfortable! Thankfully, the procedure is now primarily performed using lasers, and among them, the LightScalpel is far and away the best. It gives our dentists maximum control and offers supreme accuracy while guaranteeing a patient’s comfort during and after the treatment.

Why LightScalpel® is Better

Animated stop watch

Faster Recovery

Animated blood drop and emergency cross

Minimal Bleeding & Swelling

Animated shield with an emergency cross

Less Discomfort

Learn More About LightScalpel®

Chicagoland's Trusted source for lip & Tongue-Tie Solutions

What others are saying

"We had a great experience with Dr Bindi. She was really thorough with the consult and explained all aspects of her assessment and rationale for treatment. We were able to do our newborn’s buccal, labial, and lingual frenectomies immediately following the consult which was super helpful for us being new parents to not have to coordinate an additional office appointment."

Monique B., Chicago, IL

"My newborn had a tongue and lip tie and my lactation consultant recommended a laser procedure here - we saw Dr. Justin and before we knew it our daughter was a champion breast feeder! If you are considering this procedure and on the fence - I highly recommend it. You might hear differently from your pediatrician but the laser is the way to go, based on our experience. :) Thanks again, Dr. Justin!"

Kimberly G., Chicago, IL

"We were so happy with our experience with the center and specifically with Dr. Justin. He had such a calming nature and level of empathy that calmed our nerves as first time parents with a newborn! We would highly recommend the Chicago Tongue Tie Center to anyone."

Rachel P., Chicago, IL
The Results

Remarkable Lip &
Tongue-Tie Transformations

Getting rid of a lip or tongue-tie can do amazing things for a patient, improving their quality of life in countless tangible ways.

Ready for
similar results?

If you think you or your child might be afflicted with a lip or tongue-tie, we are here for you. Visit our office near Arlington Heights and find out if we can provide the relief you or your child deserve.
Schedule your in-person consultation using the button below.

Schedule Your In-Person Consultation
Mother kissing baby on cheek Request a free consultation badge
Lip & Tongue-Tie Frequently Asked Questions

Lip & Tongue-Tie Frequently Asked Questions

What is a tongue-tie exactly?

The tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth with a thin band of tissue, but if this tissue is overly short or thick, this can make it much more difficult for someone to eat, speak, or even breathe properly.

What if a tongue-tie goes untreated? Can it have lasting effects into adulthood?

Yes, the eating and speaking problems that manifest in childhood can persist well into adulthood and even become more pronounced. Adults with lip and Tongue-Ties often develop speech impediments, have trouble breathing while sleeping, and can’t chew effectively, which can lead to digestion issues.

What are the signs that my baby has a tongue-tie?

The signs of a tongue-tie are usually most apparent during feeding. Whether with a breast or bottle, the baby will have difficulty latching onto the nipple and getting the milk/formula to flow evenly. They may become fussy while feeding because they are uncomfortable, plus they might accidentally swallow a lot of air, causing them to spit up often. Slow weight gain is also a sign that there may be feeding issues due to a tongue-tie.

How do you work with lactation consultations before and after treatment?

If a patient is already working with a lactation consultant by the time they come to see us, we will speak to them to get their insight on a patient’s situation. We will also touch base with them again after the procedure so everyone is on the same page during the recovery period.

What happens after the procedure?

We typically schedule a follow-up appointment about a week after a frenectomy. Any minor oral discomfort can be managed with OTC medication, and we’ll also give a patient or parent a regimen of oral stretches to perform to help the tissue heal correctly.

Have A Question Of Your Own?