LightScalpel Laser Frenectomy – Chicago, IL

A Better Solution for
Common Problems

Chicago Tongue-Tie Center uses the LightScalpel Laser to perform all of our frenectomies, and that’s because whether we’re helping a baby, teen, or adult, it offers the most reliable and comfortable solution available today. Typically, the procedure itself is practically painless and only takes a few minutes, but it can easily lead to a lifetime of benefits. To learn more about how a LightScalpel laser frenectomy from our Chicago, IL specialist works, read on below.

Why Choose Chicago Tongue-Tie Center for LightScalpel Laser Frenectomy?

  • All Frenectomies Performed Using the LightScalpel
  • Team Led By Certified Pediatric Dentists
  • In-Person Consultations

What Exactly is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a minor procedure used to correct a lip or Tongue-Tie. It consists of making small incisions to loosen the restrictive tissue, allowing a patient’s lips/tongue to move freely. Sometimes, a very small amount of tissue has to be removed, but the result is ultimately the same—the patient is able to eat, speak, and breathe with ease again.

Why We Only Do Laser Frenectomies

Doctors have been performing frenectomies for decades, but in the past, instead of using a laser, they relied on scalpels and sutures. This is a very delicate procedure, and even when performed by a skilled clinician, using these traditional tools can be quite uncomfortable, leading to bleeding and a lot of pain/swelling afterward. It’s also very hard to be accurate with these instruments, especially when treating tiny infants. Thankfully, modern-day lasers make all of these concerns a thing of the past, as they give our dentists maximum control while offering premier comfort for the patient.

How Does a Laser Frenectomy Work?

Our LightScalpel laser emits an extremely focused beam of light that can be used to precisely cut or remove unnecessary oral tissue. The instrument itself generates practically no heat, sound, or vibration, so for the patient, they barely feel anything throughout the treatment. Better yet, the laser cauterizes and sanitizes as it goes. This not only makes recovery faster and more comfortable, but it also lowers the risk of any complications to practically zero.

What Makes the LightScalpel Different

There are many types of lasers available today that can be used to perform frenectomies, and the LightScalpel stands head and shoulders above them. It can achieve a level of accuracy far beyond typical diode lasers, which allows our dentists to take an extremely conservative approach. This means we only remove as much tissue as needed and no more. This reduces bleeding, pain, and swelling significantly, often to the point that even babies don’t shed a tear throughout the treatment.