New Lip & Tongue-Tie Patient Information – Chicago, IL

How to Get Started with Us

Our practice is designed to make it as easy as possible for people of all ages to get high-quality frenectomies. To help you be prepared for your first appointment, you’ll find plenty of helpful information below. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns to share with us, you are always welcome to give us a call. We look forward to meeting you, putting your mind at ease, and finally solving your problem for good!

Your First Visit

At Chicago Tongue Tie Center the first appointment, for patients will always be a consultation, during which you’ll get to meet the doctor, he or she will perform a brief exam, and then they will diagnose a patient. If it turns out that they have a lip or tongue-tie, the discussion will then focus on scheduling a frenectomy. Our team can answer any questions about payment or insurance so that the patient/parent leaves our office knowing exactly what to expect next.

New Patient Forms

To help us check you in quickly, please take a moment to fill out our online forms. Simply enter the requested information, answer a few questions, click “Submit,” and that’s it! The forms will be sent straight to our team, saving you from having to complete them in our reception area.

Fill Out New Patient Forms

Dental Insurance

Our team will check to see if you’re covered, and if you are, help you file the claim. All you need to do is give us a call with your policy information handy, and we’ll help you maximize any insurance coverage!

Patient Aftercare

Taking the right steps after a frenectomy is very important to ensure a smooth recovery. Our protocol is designed to protect the comfort of the patient while also ensuring that the results last a lifetime. Part of this requires a little effort from the patient or parent, but thankfully, we’ve outlined the basics on our site—just click the link below to learn more.

Learn About Patient Aftercare